Saturday, April 2, 2011

Our wrestling season has come to a close.  
The boys enjoyed it but neither seemed passionate about the sport.  Bryce might want to wrestle again but I think Brian will choose to do something else. 

We made it to one tournament.  Both boys scored first in their matches but neither boy won.
I am glad that the boys had this experience.  They met some new boys and learned some good techniques.  Now they have a lot more fun wrestling with each other at home.
If I had to do it over again we would sign up for wrestling again.

 While cleaning out the garage, Todd came across his army gear.  The kids eagerly put on his hats and wore them for the rest of the day.
In case you were wondering....
 We do actually do school here.
This week I had Bryce working on his penmanship.  He has been getting rather sloppy lately and I felt he needed to focus on his letter writing some more.
 While Bryce was at the table writing, Bonnie was on the couch reading Victory on the Walls.  Brian finally finished it.  He hates reading and will only read exactly what he is assigned. Bonnie on the other hand devoured the book in a day.
Upstairs Brian was on his bed working on his math and language.

We finally had a week with no interruptions.  It was so nice to get all of our subjects done each day.  We finished up our unit on Ancient Greece.  When we start up again after spring break we will focus on Ancient Rome.  I have already ordered my library books and started planning out my weeks.  I hope to end this school year going full steam.  
One last thing..... I finally have had enough.
Enough of being overweight and out of energy.  Last Friday, I joined the local gym.  Every day this week I have been in the gym working out while everyone was still in bed.  My days have started so much better.  I am looking forward to getting back in shape and feeling good about myself again.

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