Monday, April 23, 2012

What Happened to Spring?

What happened to Spring?  Winter was here and now it's summer.  One week of rain and mild temperatures and now it is almost 80 degrees.  Today the boys were convinced they were going to die of heat stroke if I didn't let them go swim in the river.  It took some convincing to drop everything and head down to Barn Beach, but we did go.  Of course, the river is ICE cold.  The boys jumped in and quickly jumped back out, but they weren't done.  They continued to jump in and out of the river til our play time was up.  One day I will figure out how to download the pictures of my phone to my computer and let you see them.  I had to laugh that here it is April 23 and we are playing in the river.  Gotta love it!


  1. The way I get phone pics to my computer is I email them to myself.

    Gotta love the great weather! We had a streak of it, too, but today it's rainy again.

  2. Can you email them to yourself if you don't have a data plan?
