Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One more day til Thanksgiving Break!  Woo Hoo!!
I always felt guilty as a teacher when I looked forward to the days off of school instead of being excited about teaching.  Things haven't changed much. : )

Our studies have taken us to the Italian Renaissance.  Today we spent about an hour and a half watching a documentary on Leonardo Da Vinci.  What an amazing man!!  The kids have all been given an assignment to write about a Renaissance artist. I figure the boys will write about Leonardo. 

Here is a look at our day today:

We started today, as we do every day, with prayer.  Then as a group we reviewed what the Renaissance period was about.  After our review we watched the History Channel's documentary on Leonardo da Vinci.  Good ole YouTube comes through again.  I am so glad the kids had me set up the tv/wii so we can now watch these documentaries on the tv screen.  Once we had watched the documentary everyone got out their math.  Bonnie likes to sit at the counter, Bryce settled in at the table, and Brian likes to sneak off to his cubbie in his room.  I stay busy in the kitchen ready to answer questions and to see who needs help.  Once math is done I let the kids pick their next subject to work on.  Today since the documentary went long, the kids took their lunch break after finishing their math.  Once lunch and some outside time, the kids came in to work on the rest of their work.  Bonnie and Brian went to their language while Bryce picked out his favorite subject - science.  Today Bryce was learning about minerals.  After science, Bryce worked on his language - capitlization.  Bonnie wrote a paper on John Wycliffe and Brian read his literature book Men of Iron..  Then it was time for Bryce to take a little break, while I quizzed Bonnie and Brian on their science.  They have completed Module 3 in their Physical Science and I needed to make sure they understood the content of the module and are ready for a test.  Once they had been thoroughly drilled on the atmosphere and CFCs they were dismissed and Bryce read to me out of an ABEKA 3rd Grade reader.  Boy, has Bryce's reading improved.  It was after four when we officially closed school today.  Bonnie will read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  on her own time.  We didn't get to spelling this week but we will pick back up with it next week.  We were hoping to go sledding, but the snow has turned to rain so it looks like we will stay inside.  Fortunately, the snow has all been shoveled, the wood has been brought in, and there is a batch of cookies in the oven.

I think I will serve some leftover rice and chicken for dinner.

Another day down.  One more before the break.

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