Wednesday, April 15, 2015

On The Brink

It's co-op day again.  Time to catch up on reading and blogging while Bryce is in class.  Right now we are on the brink of many changes.  For one, Todd is meeting with the septic guy to verify what kind of septic system we need for the property and how much it will cost.  Eek!  Praying for a good perk test.  

The next big precipice we are standing on is concerning school and work.  As Bryce nears high school I have become more and more apprehensive about his future schooling.  While the older two went off to the local public high school, I do not feel that is the best option for Bryce.  So, do I continue to home school him or put him in an online school, or enroll him in our local Christian school.  Todd and I have opted for the third choice, Upper Valley Christian School.  It is a small school of 35 students K-12.  The next big problem is tuition.  The answer...UVCS has asked if I would teach science and math either part time or full time.  I have said yes.  So in short, this is most likely my last year to home school and next fall Bryce will go to school and I will go back to teaching.  In reality, it won't be a big change for me.  I will be teaching out of the same curriculum that have used with my own kids and teaching multiple levels of math and science like I did at home.  The only difference is I will have more kids to deal with.  If they want me part time the church has agreed to let me open the church office in the afternoons so I can teach in the mornings.  If I am asked to go full time then the church will find a new secretary.  In short, all of this will answer many prayer concerns such as, Bryce's education, financial needs with the new house, etc.  So as we stand on the brink of so many new changes I am excited.  Excited to see everything come together.  Excited to see my kids growing, changing, maturing.  Excited for the future.

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