Saturday, March 3, 2012


It is that time again to audition for Leavenworth's Summer Theatre - Sound of Music.

 Bonnie and her friend, Alyssa, tried out for the part of Louisa. 

Neither girl got the part, but had fun trying out.  At the tryouts, the kids have to sing the song, "So Long Farewell."  They start off singing the song all together, then the kids are broken up into the parts they are trying out for, taken up on the stage, and sing the one line that each Von Trapp child sings.  The girls had to sing the line..."I flit, I float, I fleetly flee I fly."  I thought Bonnie did a great job.  She was loud, clear, and articulate.  One of the factors that the producers have to figure in, however, is not only can the kids sing but also how they will fit into the family.  The producers want to create a stair step effect with the children so that when they line up the oldest is the tallest and the youngest is the smallest child.

 Bonnie is now 5 feet 4 inches (Alyssa is 5 feet 8 inches) and was taller than the boys that were auditioning for Freidrich.  Although she probably could do the part, she may not have matched well with the boys that are trying out.  Regardless, the girls had a lot of fun and aren't discouraged.  It probably helps that both girls have parts in the high school play, "Once Upon a Mattress."

They decided that they want to try out for Liesl and if they can't get that part, they will try to get a nun part.  No matter what, they want to get in the cast.  If that doesn't work, we will try to get a job volunteering to work the concession stands or parking lot crew. 

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