Wednesday, April 29, 2015


This week has been anything but peaceful, so it was refreshing when the other night Todd and I went for a walk along the river.  Nothing bad has been going on, just a lot of busyness.  It started when at 4:30am Sunday I got a call from the elderly couple I help take care of.  The husband had taken a bad fall and was certain that he had broken some ribs.  He asked if I would come out and stay with his invalid wife while his son took him to the hospital.  Fortunately, nothing was broken but he was very sore, so I hung around long enough to get his wife out of bed, showered, and to the breakfast table.  I eventually made it to church, which was followed by a counseling session, a hospital visit, and Bible study.  For the rest of the week he has asked that I come over every morning to help him get his wife ready for the day, which means my day starts off an hour earlier than usual.  Monday after tending to them, I rushed home to pick up Bryce, then we headed to church to set up for a medical team that was using our facilities for the day.  Shortly after they arrived, Bryce and I left because it was my day to take care of my father in law, no sooner did I get to his house, then I was called back to the elderly couples house to deal with a situation.  Todd who was monitoring the church, came over to deal with his dad, so I could deal with the couple.  Once that crisis was under control I was back at my in-laws and Todd was back at the church.  Once I was done there it was a made dash to the church to relieve Todd.  It was his day off, by the way...sigh....Finally at five Todd relieved me again so that I could go home and get supper ready.  Thank goodness for crockpots!

Yesterday was better as we didn't have as much on the schedule.  Although our time at the church was spent cleaning up from the medical team and setting up for our AWANA Awards program.  Somewhere in all of this we are trying to get school done. Bryce was wanting to work on his treehouse at the property especially since I told him I found a bunch of plywood in the grandparents basement. We managed to cart all of it to his treehouse, before heading back to the elderly couples house so I could make the beds, then over to another widows house to pick up a bunch of stuff.  So in reality yesterday was pretty busy as well. 

Today is no different.  Morning help for the couple, co-op, shopping at Costco, finish setting up for AWANA, then the final awards program.  I wish I could say the rest of the week is going to get better, but it is not.  Actual, Sunday afternoon might actual be somewhat free.  I think I will schedule in a nap.

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