Friday, November 15, 2013


My husband heard my technological cries and set up a computer for me in our bedroom.  Yeah!   The best part is that all of his pictures are uploaded on it, and since most of the pictures I have been using lately come from his phone, I am pretty excited to see what I can use.

I think for tonight I will show you our property.

 One of the best things with our property is that the county came through some time ago and put in a brand new, concrete bridge over the Chumstick Creek.  This bridge will be around for a long, long time.
 A road cuts through the middle of the property.  Once we get everything cleaned up, we will most likely sow grass seed and cover the road up.  We won't need it to extend the whole length of the property.  We are buying my mother in law's two parcels.  The first parcel is 3.71 acres.  Most of that acreage extends up a mountain side, what isn't vertical is this road, and then there is a portion that contains a flat area and fruit trees.
 This flat are is where we are going to put our garden.  A friend came over with his tractor and tilled up the soil.    I have measured the garden out and it will be a nice size, not too big and not too small.
Besides piles of tires, metal, and garbage, there is a lot of old wood piled up left over from years and years of cutting firewood on the property and leaving all of the leftovers.  This particular burn pile is positioned at the foot of the hill where we plan to build our house.  Tomorrow Todd and the boys will work on the property gathering some more firewood for a friend in our church.  I hope to head over there and see what everything looks like. feels nice to blog again.

PS..if you want to see Bonnie's play go to YouTube and search Sure Thing 11 09 13 Cascade High School and Soap Opera 11 09 13 Cascade High School.  Those are the two sketches Bonnie was in.  You might also watch Arabian Nights, Murder at M...(I forget the name), Philadelphia, and Leon Trostky.


  1. Love the pictures! Now your next step is to learn to embed YouTube videos. lol

  2. For some reason when I went to add the YouTube videos, they weren't listed. It could be how they are labeled I.e. private use or something like that. I am going to take pictures and video tonight since I don't have to work concessions.
