Saturday, May 28, 2011


 A friend from church is sharing her garden plot with me this summer.  Yesterday the kids and I went to Wenatchee to purchase our garden plants.  We got 20 tomato plants, 4 zucchinis, 4 cucumbers, 4 green peppers, 4 red peppers, 4 jalapeno peppers, and seeds for corn and green beans.  Today we went to plant our garden.  We managed to put in our seeds but were told to hold off in putting in our plants.  Last night the temperature dipped down to 31 degrees and there was a frost on the ground.  I had been watching the mountains around because they say when the snow is off Wedge mountain it is time to plant.  I found out today I had been looking at the wrong mountain.   Oops!  Wedge mountain is still covered in snow.

Since I can't plant my tomato plants, Bryce and I transplanted our tomato plants into bigger pots and we are going to put them inside the breakfast nook every night to protect them.  Hopefully in two weeks we can put them in the garden.

I am a little nervous about maintaining a garden that is not at my house.  I figure I will need to make sure to schedule to go out everyday to water, weed, and maintain it.  It won't be very convenient but the end result will be worth it. 

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