Thursday, February 10, 2011

Piano Lessons

Bonnie and I just got back from a meeting with her new piano teacher. 

I am so excited for her.  The best part is that the teacher lives just a mile away (Bonnie thought it was 3 or 4 miles away and too far to walk so I checked the odometer to verify that it is just a mile and definitely walkable.)  and we know each other from our Alpine Boys Ranch days. In fact, Bonnie's teacher sold us her baby crib and changing table when I was pregnant with Bonnie.  It's another case of "It's a small world." 

Bonnie will start her first lesson next Thursday.  Her teacher, Kathy, said Bonnie could practice with the books that we already have and to bring them in next week for her to look at. 

I am so excited for her. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I'm sure Bonnie will be great at piano!

    Baylee was supposed to start this month, too, but when I called to sign her up I was told she'd be put on a waiting list for the teacher we want. =( I guess that particular teacher is in high demand.
